Willow's Birth
Willow was born naturally and peacefully and weighed a whopping 10 pound 8 ounces (4.78kg). Despite having to be induced with gel and have my waters broken by the doctor as she was 6 days late, labour progressed smoothly and was only about 6 hours long. I was blessed to have an empowering birth experience - no drugs and minimal tearing. My husband Sean felt extremely empowered and used your techniques very effectively to help little Willow make her entrance. We are really grateful for your teachings. I would never have thought I would physically be able to give birth naturally to a 10 pound 8 baby - I am not a big person. And my first daughter Stella was only 6 pound 3! But now I see with the right preparation, knowledge and support, anything's possible! Thank you so very much Suzanne. We will be back if we are blessed with another baby in the future :)