Lean on your supporters

My birth with my second baby was nothing like my first! The first time I had a very gentle labour and birth, I stayed home for most of my labour and went to hospital when my waters broke. It was dark and quiet and just myself, my husband and the midwife.

This second time was completely different! I went to 41 weeks and decided to book an induction. I knew the baby was bigger than my first and I just had a feeling that my body would need help to deliver this baby. Being induced was a completely different experience, but I listened to your birth relaxation meditation a few times in hospital and it really helped me to stay calm and centered.


This birth was the opposite of my first, I had a room full of people (a beautiful midwife, a midwifery student, the anesthetist came and went, my obstetrician, my husband) the pain level was different due to the induction, I had lots of monitoring, it was daytime...but I felt calm, happy and in control. I feel like this confidence definitely came from my yoga classes and listening to Suzanne’s yoga meditations during pregnancy. My midwife and the midwifery student stayed after their shift finished to be there for the birth of my baby, so she arrived in a room full of people smiling and excited to see her (like her own personal cheer squad!) 

I remembered something Suzanne says in yoga class ‘lean on your supports’ and I think this big group of supporters was exactly what I needed for this birth. 

Thank you for all you do for us pregnant and new mummas!