Yoga for Fertility

by Suzanne Swan

Practiced regularly, yoga balances the endocrine system, relaxes and tones the muscles and the nervous system, stimulates circulation, massages the internal organs, and calms and concentrates the mind. Your exercise program should reflect your goal. A physically challenging fitness program may be useful for an athlete or for someone overweight, but for someone close to his or her ideal body weight, a strenuous fitness regime may disrupt the fertility cycle.  Instead, it is better to exercise at a lower intensity for a longer time.  A slower physical practice like yoga, which focuses on fluid movements and breath, is more likely to help you to unwind and result in a deeper sense of contentment and health. 

Do the following yoga practices daily to calm the mind and enhance reproductive health.  Leave out the mild inversions when menstruating. 

Good yogic habits I recommend to practice are: 

  1. Participating in a regular yoga class or having an established home practice 

  2. Daily mindful deep breathing 

  3. Eating well and taking meals only on the urge of appetite 

  4. Regulating daily routines, go to sleep and awake at the same time each day 

Mild inversions that raise the pelvis gently stimulate the energy to the reproductive organs, as well as increase micro-circulation in the reproductive tract. These postures help to soften and "make space" in the pelvis and let go of tension in the abdomen.  On the inhalation, imagine that the belly is soft and infused with energy; on the exhalation, imagine that all impediments to conception are leaving with the breath. They relax the mind and promote deep rest.   

Legs up the wall  (done any time in the cycle) 

Technique: Place a round bolster or a firm folded blanket two inches from the wall on top of the sticky mat with the back edge of the bolster or blanket in line with the back edge of the mat. Place the buttocks on top of the bolster with the sitting bones as close to the wall as possible and the legs up the wall. Allow the legs to soften and bend the knees to allow the abdominal and pelvic floor to relax. Stay from 5-10 minutes. Come out slowly and rest for one minute before standing up.  Variations a) to take the legs wide b) bound angle pose with the sole of feet touching close to pelvis c) for headache or overactive thyroid raise the back of the head a little. This pose should be done daily for a least five minutes, during every part of the cycle except when menstruating (listen to the breath awareness audio below to help you to maintain the posture with a relaxed mind and body


Benefits: Stabilises blood pressure, balances thyroid and reduces inflammation in the abdominal area. This yoga pose will help release the stress locked in your lower back and increase blood flow to your uterus. 

Can practice after sex (which will theoretically keep the sperm inside the body and close to the opening of the uterus) to encourage the opportunity for sperm penetration.  

FYI: If you’re working on thickening your uterine lining, remember that it’s also imperative that you’re getting enough protein in your diet. If you’re a vegetarian or someone who doesn’t eat a lot of meat, keep in mind that you should be getting 50-60 mg of protein a day to build the uterine lining necessary for implantation. This is really hard to do if you’re not eating enough protein.  

Squeeze and release: The subtle pressure of a yoga posture held motionlessly for a certain length of time, restores the proper secretion of hormones, resulting in emotional balance and thus physical and mental health.    The twisting and bending of the yoga postures places specific pressure on the glands, thus stimulating them in various ways and regulating their secretions, and controlling the emotions as well 

Knees to Chest  (only to be done in the first half of the cycle – till ovulation) 

Technique:  Start lying on your back with the left leg straight and right leg bent at the knee holding onto the right knee with both hands. As you exhale, strengthen the naval-to-spine connection by pulling the navel inwards, bending the elbows, and pulling the right knee towards the belly. As you inhale, release, and repeat this cycle of breath-guider movement four times. Then upon your next exhalation, bend the left knee and release the right leg to repeat the transition onto the opposite side of the body four times. Afterward, on your next inhaling breath bend both knees so that you gently hold on to each knee with both hands. On an exhalation breath, pull both knees into the belly, tucking the chin slightly down and consciously pushing the sacrum into the mat. If your hips are tight, slightly widening the distance between the knees is not only a great modification but again, eliminates unnecessary strain on the physical body. On an inhalation, release to the starting position. 

Benefits: When embraced through numerous cycles of a repetitive and constant breath, it releases tensions of the lower digestive systems by detoxifying the entire body. It also releases back pain and produces a general sense of openness in the body, especially within the hips and internal thigh region. Emotionally and mentally speaking, this detoxifying pose relieves stress, mild depression, and anxiety. 

Reclining spinal twist (only to be done in the first half of the cycle – till ovulation) 

Technique: Extend your left leg along the floor, keeping your right knee drawn to your chest. Extend your right arm out along the floor at shoulder height with your palm facing down. Shift your hips slightly to the right. Then, place your left hand on the outside of your right knee. Exhaling, drop your right knee over the left side of your body. Keep your left hand resting gently on your right knee. Turn your head to the right. Soften your gaze toward your right fingertips. Keep your shoulder blades pressing toward the floor and away from your ears. Allow the force of gravity to drop your knee even closer to the floor. If your right toes can touch the floor, allow your foot to rest. Hold the pose for 10-25 breaths. On an inhalation, slowly come back to center, bringing both knees to your chest in Knees-to-Chest Pose.  Exhale, and extend your right leg along the floor. Repeat steps 3-6 on the opposite side. When you’re finished with the pose, hug your knees to your chest for a few breaths in Knee-to-Chest Pose. Then, slowly exhale as you extend both legs along the floor. 

Benefits: Massages the abdominal organs and regulates the secretion of adrenaline from the adrenal glands.  In women, it tones and strengthens the internal reproductive organs.  Rotating the spine is like wringing out a wet towel; the stagnant blood and lymphatic fluid is squeezed out from around the abdominal area (including the liver); when the pose is released, the musculature relaxes again.  Fresh blood floods into the area to bathe and re nourish it.   



Technique:  Lie flat on the back with the arms beside and in line with the body and with palms facing upwards.  Or Reclining Butterfly, resting back with feet together and knees open (supported by pillows). 

Close the eyes and relax the whole body.  Let the breath become rhythmic and natural.  Let the mind become aware of the inhalation and exhalation  Continue to count the number of breaths, if the mind starts to wander bring it back to the counting.   Stay from 5 – 20 mins. Listen to the audios below to help you stay in the posture with a relaxed mind.

Benefits: The whole consciousness changes during deep relaxation. Identifying recurrent negative thoughts, such as "I will never have a baby" and changing that thought to "I am doing everything I can to get pregnant."  A negative or judgmental attitude can hinder your experience by blocking off the positive aspects that surround you.  When you let go of that rigidity or negativity, you can regain clarity in the present moment. 

In our personalised fertility yoga program or online fertility yoga videos with Suzanne Swan you will explore how the mind/body connection (mindfulness practices) decrease the effects of stress on fertility. Along with practicing yoga specially designed to enhance fertility, we examine your menstrual cycle and/or IVF goals. The combined reduction in stress and aligning yourself with your menstrual cycle will greatly improve your health and well-being.


Avadhutika Anandamitra Acarya (2001) Yoga for Health Ananda Marga yoga exercises for men and women.  Ananda Marga Pubs. 

Geeta  Iyengar (1983) Yoga a Gem for Women.Allied, Pub  

Clennell, Bobby ( 2007) The Woman’s Yoga Book Rodmel  

Swami Satyananda Saraswatie (1987) Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha, Mangrove Mountain. 



Whilst every care has been taken to provide accurate and safe information regarding the use of yoga techniques, no responsibility can be taken by the author for self-prescription of any techniques included on this handout.  Where medical conditions pre-exist, the reader should liaise with a qualified health practitioner and qualified yoga teacher prior to adopting any of the recommended practices.  Should any discomfort occur during the performance of any of the techniques covered in this handout, professional medical advice should be sought.