Each contraction was a gift


This was my second pregnancy and I did the active birth yoga classes for my first.  Having moved to the Coast my partner and I returned to yogababy to do a Private Session with Suzanne. My waters broke and I lost my mucus plug at 1:30am, and then it was straight into strong, close contractions. So I had to veto the beautiful soft slow part I had envisaged for early labour-- and went straight into a mad dash to the hospital (50 min away) with me vomiting fiercely, and following my breath, bum up in the back seat.

At the hospital, the birth positions I tended to gravitate towards were all ones that we had practiced in our Private Session with Suzanne!  I seemed to spend a lot of time kneeling under a warm shower with my head and arms rocking on the fit ball! or in the birth pool... vocal toning with the contractions was a big gift for me and helped indicate to me how embodied I was during each time.

Tasting embodiment through a contraction was such a gift. I would be embodied one contraction but then not the next; it ebbed and flowed seemingly out of my control. And so a deeper layer of surrender was able to happen, as I realised that birth would happen regardless.  My experience was somehow out of my hands so to ride with the 'what is'. But no romanticism-- there were definitely times I wanted OUT or didn’t’ think I could be with it much longer. But knowing that the struggle and fight with what is happening is part of the birth spectrum- helped to get me thru.  This is one part of the intense yin/yang that happens. Ultimately I found surrendering to the lack of control of my own experience intensely healing for my previous birth too- as I had been holding on to self-judgment for not having 'done it better'. Somehow, I found the willingness to drop my expectation that it would be a certain way and felt resourced with tools. Birth is HUGE!

I completely recommend Suzanne’s private session wholeheartedly. It honestly is a must for anyone going into the birth experience. It is the biggest gift I could have given to myself for such a huge rite of passage. For anyone wanting to prepare THIS is what I recommend. Thank you so, so much Suzanne.  I really appreciate the depth and integrity of your work and the passion and care in your delivery️ 

Inica attended the active birth yoga classes in her first pregnancy and attended a 3 hr Private Antenatal Sesson with Suzanne for preparation for this birth.