Drug free natural labour


Harmony was born with a pain relief free natural labour at the North West hospital on Friday weighing 2.8kg.  I truly believe this was made possible, after doing the active birth classes as I used many of the mantas, breathing techniques, positioning and pain relief methods from the classes.

This was my second pregnancy and my second go at labour - the first time I went in blind and oh boy, I was SO not ready for it! Things didn't quite go the way I expected and I have forever thought that was because I just didn't know what to do or what to ask for. So as soon as we fell pregnant a second time I felt like I needed to do something to prepare myself properly. A friend recommended Yogababy as she got a lot out of it and was able to have the birth she planned for. 

It started midday on Friday- I had my 'show' after a morning out with my 2.5 yr old Son. This is how my first labour started, so I suspected this was the beginning of this labour too.  As I lay by my Son as he fell asleep for his nap that day, I bawled my eyes out (also a sign I was in labour and feeling all the emotions), knowing this was going to be the last time we do this alone & very excited about meeting the baby that was growing in my tummy.  

We had dinner and I told my husband we needed to get as much rest as possible before things started to heat up, which is one of the things we learned in our classes. I woke normally throughout the night as all heavily pregnant ladies do but was able to sleep through the back pain still. About 5 am things began to heat up and I was no longer able to sleep through it. So I got up and bounced on my gym ball and watched some TV. Once our Son was picked up by my family, my contractions were about 5min apart but not so much “long and strong” and I was still very calm and relaxed, but the hospital wanted us to come in to be sure. 

We got to the hospital at about  10.45am on the Saturday, my husband knew the first thing he was to do once we were admitted was get the bath ready (as those things take forever to fill up), my back pain was pretty bad at this point and I started to lose more bloody fluid but my waters still hadn't broken. I was 5cm dilated at this time and my contractions were becoming more intense so we were admitted to the labour ward and I hopped in the bath.

Things were getting even more intense, I was practicing all the breathing techniques and mantras that Suzanne teaches in the classes and despite how intense the surges/contractions were I still felt strong and on track to get bub out. I was very vocal and loud and the Midwife explained that the types of noises I was making could indicate the baby was ready to come.

As I hopped out of the bath and made my way to the bed I naturally felt like being on all fours. I was starting to struggle but with the knowledge I learned through the active birth yoga I knew this wave of emotion meant I was close to meeting my daughter.

However, my waters still had not broken. The midwives called the obstetrician in and advised that 'popping' my water would encourage bub to come. Once my water had been broken, I felt bub come down my birth canal (no joke - it was incredible!) and I said to my husband 'she's coming' at this stage I was struggling,

I started to forget my breathing so the midwife helped me to gain control again and coached me through ‘how-to’ push and breath. I couldn't believe it in three contractions - My Daughter was born with a pain relief free natural labour.

It wasn't a walk in the park and possibly the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, but she was safe, healthy and perfect. In my eyes, everything happened exactly how it was meant too. I truly believe this was made possible by the practice and knowledge learned in the active birth classes - as I used many of the mantas, breathing techniques, positioning and pain relief methods from the classes. 

Thank you so much Suzanne for making this possible.

Maryanne attended Active Birth with Suzanne