Use of the Tens machine

Our baby Gwyneth was born on 21 May. It was an epic labour of over 24 hours starting with my waters breaking at 7:30am on Monday, established labour from around 1 pm and then meconium. I ended up transferring from the Birth Centre to the Birth Suite as a result and was induced the next morning as I had gone backward in dilation. Baby was born around 5:30pm on Tuesday, the following day.


Got through labour with the use of a TENS machine, shower, movement and the pressure points you taught us in the active birth workshop . And no pharmaceutical pain relief!

I could not have done it without my husband Bruce being as active as I was. Our Birth Centre team of midwives weren’t available for the whole labour and we experienced that pressure for intervention from the Birth Suite hospital staff for hours, very disruptive environment and having a drip for antibiotics, faulty monitoring belts, limited use of the shower and frequent vaginal examinations definitely negatively affected progress.

We managed to have a successful vaginal birth and a very healthy baby at over 3.8kg. The active birth workshop and active birth yoga classes were excellent preparation for us for labour and birth. Thank you!

Tazia attended the Pregnancy Yoga, Active Birth Yoga and Active Birth Workshop with her partner.